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Phoenix Autocall
ISIN Product name Coupon Rate p.a. Capital Barrier Capital Protection level Maturity Bid Ask
Autocallable,Index,Multi Underlying IT0006767666 48m Wof Memory Phoenix Autocall on iShares® China Large-Cap ETF, SWISS MARKET INDEX, NASDAQ 100, EURO STOXX® Banks in EUR 7.20% 65% - 26.02.2029 - -
Autocallable,Index,Multi Underlying IT0006767641 60m Wof Memory Phoenix Autocall on iShares® China Large-Cap ETF, Euro Stoxx 50®, Nikkei 225 © Nikkei Inc., S&P 500® in EUR 8.00% 50% - 28.02.2030 993.00 1000.00
Airbag,Autocallable,Index,Low Strike,Multi Underlying IT0006767625 - - 996.00 1005.46
Autocall Fixed Coupon
ISIN Product name Coupon Rate p.a. Capital Barrier Capital Protection level Maturity Bid Ask
Airbag,Autocallable,Guaranteed Coupon,Low Strike,Multi Underlying IT0006767658 60m Wof Autocall RCB on Bayer AG, Pfizer Inc., Eli Lilly & Co., Novo Nordisk A/S in EUR 8.00% 50% - 28.02.2030 990.00 1000.00
Airbag,Autocallable,Guaranteed Coupon,Low Strike,Multi Underlying,One Star IT0006767633 34m Wof Autocall RCB on Novo Nordisk A/S, Tesla Inc., Moderna Inc in EUR 8.00% 55% - 21.12.2027 981.56 991.57
Airbag,Autocallable,Guaranteed Coupon,Low Strike,Multi Underlying IT0006767369 60m Wof Autocall RCB on BPER Banca SpA, BNP Paribas SA, Crédit Agricole SA, Banco BPM SpA in EUR 7.67% 50% - 04.02.2030 1012.00 1020.99
Credit Linked
ISIN Product name Coupon Rate p.a. Capital Barrier Capital Protection level Maturity Bid Ask
Credit Linked,Guaranteed Coupon,Single Underlying IT0006767351 78m CreditLinked on BNP Paribas SA Subordinated in EUR 5.05% - 11.07.2031 10132.84 10232.85
Credit Linked,Guaranteed Coupon,Single Underlying IT0006767344 78m CreditLinked on UniCredit SpA Subordinated in EUR 5.35% - 11.07.2031 10214.67 10314.68
Credit Linked,Guaranteed Coupon,Single Underlying IT0006766650 73m CreditLinked on Assicurazioni Generali SpA Subordinated in EUR 4.21% - 10.01.2031 9783.94 9883.95
Capital Protected
ISIN Product name Coupon Rate p.a. Capital Barrier Capital Protection level Maturity Bid Ask
Capital Protected,Single Underlying IT0006767542 12m Capital Protected on iShares® China Large-Cap ETF in EUR - 95% 02.02.2026 1001.38 1011.39
Capital Protected,Index,Single Underlying IT0006767476 48m Capital Protected on Euro Stoxx 50® in EUR - 95% 29.01.2029 966.73 974.70
Capital Protected,Index,Multi Underlying IT0006767286 61m Wof Memory Capital Protected on Euro Stoxx 50®, S&P 500®, EURO STOXX® Banks in EUR 3.93% 100% 04.02.2030 1011.71 1021.72
Fixed Coupon
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Multi Underlying IT0006765983 24m Wof Memory ReverseConvertible on Advanced Micro Devices Inc., NVIDIA Corp., STMicroelectronics NV in EUR 13.61% 50% - 22.10.2026 918.00 928.01
Index,Single Underlying IT0006755505 48m Memory ReverseConvertible on S&P 500® in EUR 5.20% 50% - 24.03.2027 1029.72 1039.73
Index,Single Underlying IT0006755513 48m Memory ReverseConvertible on S&P 500® in EUR 6.25% 70% - 24.03.2027 1065.19 1075.20
Autocall Snowball
ISIN Product name Coupon Rate p.a. Capital Barrier Capital Protection level Maturity Bid Ask
Autocallable,Multi Underlying,Recovery,Snowball IT0006766874 48m Wof Memory Classic Autocall on Volkswagen AG, Stellantis NV, STMicroelectronics NV in EUR - 60% - 25.01.2029 757.36 767.37
Autocallable,Multi Underlying,Snowball IT0006762535 48m Wof 100 per cent. Capital Protected Memory Classic Autocall on Bayer AG, Pfizer Inc. in EUR - 100% 23.03.2028 948.79 958.80
Autocallable,Single Underlying,Snowball IT0006763079 60m Memory Classic Autocall on Enel SpA in EUR - 65% - 30.04.2029 1091.92 1101.93

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